Animals at the Ranch

Jo Camel: JoJo came to live at Oak Meadow Ranch in February 2018. He is known is a Dromedary Camel (one hump). Jo Jo loves selfies, eating animal crackers, and sipping on Dr. Pepper. Jo Jo also has a service Goat, Chiquillo.

Sydney: “The Famous Kangaroo”. Sydney came to live at the ranch in May 2018 at just 6 months old. She loves eating sweet treats & cuddling in our arms. She has her own Instagram page @sydtheroo. Sydney has visited Childrens Hospitals & assisted living facilities across DFW and North Texas.

Justin the Alligator

Chiquillo (“the service Goat”): Chiquillo was given to us by our ranch hand, Miguel, when jojo came to live at the ranch. Chiquillo became JoJo’s bestfriend and companion.

Versace is our first baby of the year (2019), and he is the most precious, playful (pygmy/ fainting/ dwarf) goat you will ever lay eyes on. He may be small but his personality is HUGE.

Vera & Wang: They are painted desert sheep & are twin sisters, and they are the cuddliest lambs with the sweetest little voices.

Bubba & Ringo: our Texas Longhorns. They were brothers and are quite the pair. Ringo was featured in Chrome Magazine & The Chive because of his hilarious antics. (pic below)

Chris P Bacon: he is a mini pig. He spends most of his time following our Anatolian Shepard (Foxy) around the pasture. He is not a fan of the cold so In the winter months he spends lots of time buried deep in the straw to keep warm.

Donkey Kong & Woody: Mediterranean Miniature Donkeys. The story of the donkeys: “ bring be the colt of a donkey” was the masters request. A young donkey was brought to jesus to carry him into Jerusalem. A week later jesus was ordered crucified. The little donkey so loved the lord that he wanted to help him carry the cross. But alas, he was pushed away. The sad little donkey waited to say goodbye until nearly all had left. As he turned to leave, the shadow of the cross fell upon his back and shoulders. And there it has remained, a tribute to the loyalty and love of the humblest of gods creatures.

Donkey Kong & Woody: Mediterranean Miniature Donkeys. The story of the donkeys: “ bring be the colt of a donkey” was the masters request. A young donkey was brought to jesus to carry him into Jerusalem. A week later jesus was ordered crucified. The little donkey so loved the lord that he wanted to help him carry the cross. But alas, he was pushed away. The sad little donkey waited to say goodbye until nearly all had left. As he turned to leave, the shadow of the cross fell upon his back and shoulders. And there it has remained, a tribute to the loyalty and love of the humblest of gods creatures.

Rooster Cogburn: He protects our hens and is as mean as John Wayne.

Foxy: The grey majestic horse. She was Renay’s horse and will forever be at Oak Meadow Ranch

Mr Chubs: Oak Meadow Ranch barn cat and “owner” of the ranch. There is not a square inch he does not know. We bottle fed this baby when he was born on the ranch since 2016. They say black cats are bad luck but not this cat!

Jane Doe: A new fallow deer